Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fasting Daily?

This begins my blog of daily fasting. I'm following the fast-five diet plan. I found this diet after looking for something like it and found this website: You can either buy a real book or download an ebook for free - at least it was free when I downloaded it.

I had thought about the idea of sacrificing food for the sake of giving what I had saved in a meal to the "Meals on Wheels" program. An elder in the church I attend challenged us to seek out the hungry. I had taken a look at my heart, and thought on God's words and knew I was eating more than my share when others were hungry. I decided to cut down on my food and increase giving to others. This was my motivation, as well as my health, weight and looks. So, I was vain after all.

I found Angela's "Sacrificial Dieting" blog (now closed - she'd reached her goal of losing over 100 pounds and keeping it off ever since. You can see her at her "Free Spirit Haven" blog here on blogspot). She really inspired me to do the same thing. She mentioned the Fast-Five plan, though that's not the actual path she took. There are other fasting eating plans. I think one is "Eat Stop Eat". Just look up "Intermittent Fasting" on youtube or for blogs and you'll be surprised how much information there is about daily, or regular, fasting.

The idea for the plan I've chosen is to fast for 19 hours - daily - and have a five hour window of eating. The five hour time is up to the one doing the diet. I've decided to go from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm.

I've done this before for a few days at a time. This time, I started at the beginning of this year with a few missed days here and there. The days I've succeeded, I've gone to bed feeling much better. I don't know what it is exactly, and I don't want to get into all the scientific reasons why. I do know it works and I do know it's not unhealthy for me. Unhealthy for me is eating anything and everything I want, which I've been known to do.

I am not eating exactly better, just less. I really do hope to eat more raw vegetables and fruits and other whole foods, but I'm having a hard time letting go of sodas and chips. At least less of a bad thing is better anyway.

Please "follow" this blog and comment (kind words, please). I love comments!


  1. Following along with you girl..We are on this journey together.I truly believe God lead us together, His daughters, His 'crown of splendor in His right hand'...Christ increasing, we decreasing. More of Him, less of us. I will be sharing something that has been on my heart for a few weeks now and asking each of you at The Sacrificial Diet to pray and see if the Lord desires for you to commit along with me...God wiling, I will share sometime today. Blessings.

    1. Thanks Angela for following. I'm looking forward to what you're talking about in a couple of weeks! I tell lots of people about you. You are a real inspiration to many. Thanks!
