Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One Full Week

One week ago today, we started the 40-Day fast (for us at this time, it's only eat one meal a day and have no desserts). I've amazed myself with how well I've done.

I have kept my diet sodas to drink during the fasting period and I added to the "rules" for myself to have no sweets as well as the no desserts. From that, I've strayed a little  without even thinking. I've had a couple of peppermints at a restaurant. On purpose, I ate some lifesaver mints, trying to justify that they don't have enough calories to matter. They matter - because it's walking that edge that's easy to fall off if I'm not careful. But, I feel strong to resist now. I hope - I PRAY - that I will be strong. Still, I was worried that I might not do as well as I did.

Physically, I feel so much better. I think I may even be detoxing some even though it's not a complete fast. Detoxing symptoms like headaches, skin boils have definitely shown themselves, and even though this is not about weight necessarily, I'm losing weight. I've lost four pounds.

I'm not sure how prayers are being answered. Most of my prayers involve changing attitudes, or people far away. But, I do have news of one prayer definitely being answered in a positive way. Praise God!

Today, being "Day 8", 32 days remain of our fast. The Fast-Five plan seems almost too much food now!


  1. I have fasted from desserts, and junk food. To be honest with you Sharon, me having my mints, tic tacs are what helps me during the day (or evening) when I'm at work. I never had a problem with 'candy'...it's with ju jubes, or gummie candies. If I started to nibble on those, well then, it's no longer nibbling but eating the whole container. Hard candy helps me during the time before I break my fast, but only when I'm working. At home, I don't need any candy to give me that little kick of energy~! Dont' know why, but it's at work that I need to have them...

    1. Thanks for being patient with me on my learning blogging Angela. You're a pro! I didn't realize I should push the "reply" button to give an actual reply. {:-\

      It is weird how we need something one place and not another. I'm the same way. It's hard for me to stop once I've started. I really have to watch it.

  2. Another 'tip' about blogging. Especially when you are start getting more followers. Have all your replies go to your email, make sure you have your email set up on your settings Sharon. This way you can reply back through emails. Many bloggers do not come back to check to see in the comment section if you have replied back to them. I learned this the very hard way. Would ramble on in the comment section and than wonder why they never 'replied back'. Well they didn't come back to that post..lol

    1. I think I fixed it. Let me know if it works. Or, maybe I'll be the one to see it first. Thanks!
