Friday, March 14, 2014

My Last Blue Jeans

While folding the clean laundry one day last week, I was taking out what we no longer need. I pulled out two pair of jeans to put in that pile. One pair was my last pair of blue jeans. I'd done this before, you see. These were my best fitting and favorite pair.

I was holding onto those because after all, a girl needs a pair of blue jeans once in a while, right?

Not necessarily.

I will have to admit that because of my lack of many dresses or skirts and matching tops, I've worn pants for three days. Yes, I do still have pants. Two pair of those are a khaki and a black of what would be classified as "jeans". I also have two pair nice slacks and one pair that is suitable for either patches on other clothes, fabric for crafts or garden work only. So, yes, I am still hanging onto pants.

Since March 2, I have worn pants for three of those days. I'm coming along.

Now about the fast-five. I've lost 5 pounds since I have started it again, about two weeks ago. Yay! There are days that I eat outside of the five hours, but I do keep it to a minimum.

How do I feel? Lots less pain shooting through my back and sides. In fact, that has gone from a daily occurrence to only occasionally. I don't feel as beat down either.

Now, for a new verse that has needed changing for a long long time:
  • My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,  knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
This is from James 1:2-4. James 1 has a LOT to say about temptation, but I chose these three verses together for my verse of the week (for about a month or so. :-} ). I'll write more on it later.

I hope this has been a blessing to you.


  1. Hi Sharon,

    It's been a long time since I've visited, but I blame the new baby for that! :) I love seeing your progress with becoming a true lady, inside and out. I remember when I gave up my last pair of pants, that I was keeping "just in case." I really don't miss them now, 11 years later! Blessings on your family this spring.



    1. A new baby! How nice. I hope after 11 years, I won't miss not having pants, either. I look forward to that. I'm still struggling with giving them up. I've wanted to do this for a couple of decades, at least. The longer you wait, the harder it is, I guess. Then, I didn't have the encouragement that I do now to make the change. Thank you for your post, Marqueta!
