Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Bad Night

For the first time since the 40-day fast began, I had a bad night last night. I got up at 2:30 and went back to bed at 5:45 - the usual time I get OUT of bed. This made for a very difficult morning to get ready for school and work. 

I have a suspicion that it may be because of the choice of food I ate for my noon meal. The night before, I went out to eat with my family. I didn't eat anything and I only drank unsweetened tea, but ordered a to-go meal for my lunch the next day (yesterday). This meal was a pork barbeque sandwich and sauce with baked beans and potato salad. That meal has a lot of sugar and starch in it - not something for a "borderline" diabetic to be having. It's rather a heavy meal, too. It was the first time I'd eaten anything that heavy since the fast began. So, note to self: "be careful of your sugar and starch intake even on one-meal-a-day days".

I should have known.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One Full Week

One week ago today, we started the 40-Day fast (for us at this time, it's only eat one meal a day and have no desserts). I've amazed myself with how well I've done.

I have kept my diet sodas to drink during the fasting period and I added to the "rules" for myself to have no sweets as well as the no desserts. From that, I've strayed a little  without even thinking. I've had a couple of peppermints at a restaurant. On purpose, I ate some lifesaver mints, trying to justify that they don't have enough calories to matter. They matter - because it's walking that edge that's easy to fall off if I'm not careful. But, I feel strong to resist now. I hope - I PRAY - that I will be strong. Still, I was worried that I might not do as well as I did.

Physically, I feel so much better. I think I may even be detoxing some even though it's not a complete fast. Detoxing symptoms like headaches, skin boils have definitely shown themselves, and even though this is not about weight necessarily, I'm losing weight. I've lost four pounds.

I'm not sure how prayers are being answered. Most of my prayers involve changing attitudes, or people far away. But, I do have news of one prayer definitely being answered in a positive way. Praise God!

Today, being "Day 8", 32 days remain of our fast. The Fast-Five plan seems almost too much food now!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Glutton No More

I am through with the sin of gluttony. I really believe this is conquered in my life, more than ever before. Now, I'm not so naive as to think that Satan isn't standing by to get me back to that old way of eating. I know he is.

But, now I know that it's more than a bad habit. It was a sin that was holding me back from full obedience. That sin is a difficult one to pin down. I think it's because so many of us are guilty that we don't want to think of it as bad as being sinful.

I am here to proclaim that I'm not going back to that way of life. It is deadly. God is life giving. Gluttony is deceptive. God's word is truthful. Just look at this verse:

Proverbs 23:1-3 
 1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
Consider carefully what is before you;
2 And put a knife to your throat
If you are a man given to appetite.
3 Do not desire his delicacies,
For they are deceptive food.

The three most important things that hit me in this verse are 1) to consider carefully what food is there,  2) if you are a person given to appetite (ME!) and 3) rich foods are "deceptive" foods. That is, they have no real nutritious value. I do believe that our Father in Heaven wants us to be very careful about what we eat.

Once again, the word of God has saved me from myself.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Choosing Affliction or the Pleasures of Sin

Do you remember in the Bible who chose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season? It was Moses. This man could have lived the life of riches - rich foods, clothes, power, women. He didn't have to go out and protect and save a nation of slaves, thus having to live with them and become one of them in their daily lives. This was something he chose to do.

This is my point for this blog. Choosing to suffer affliction rather than enjoying the pleasure of rich and much food. It hit me the other day while I was craving to sink my teeth into a slice of pizza how much food is simply pleasurable rather than just to keep our bodies alive.

Then, as I thought of the other pleasures I don't do in order to stay in line with God's word, and how this is just like that for me. My husband and I have remained faithful to each other these 32 years. I'm sure there've been temptations for him, and I know there have been for me to stray from our vows and God's word to enjoy the pleasures of sin. I'm sure it would be pleasurable to drink, dance, par-TAY, but I stay away from all of those for the same reasons. So, why is it so difficult to break this food addiction?

I'd like to know exactly what "gluttony" is. There's no real clear definition that I've ever read. Am I a glutton? I never thought so. I don't habitually eat so much that I have to go throw it up. Is that the point to which people become gluttonous? Or, is the Bible definition of gluttony less than that? Is it merely over-eating? Now, that I've definitely done, and practically every day.

I don't like living my life at the edge to see how close I can get to sin before I'm sinning. It's too easy to topple over that fence into the wrong pasture. But, I think I've done that with food. Gluttony is not a sermon topic by itself that I've ever heard, and being a preacher's daughter, I've heard lots of sermons.

This daily fasting has shown me that possibly all too many of us, me included, are sinning the pleasurable sin of gluttony without even realizing it. Each of us has to examine our hearts to answer that question. I had to take a look at myself to realize it.

I want to be like that faithful servant of God, Moses. I don't pretend to have his strength, but with God's help, I do.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

40 Day Fast

Jesus must have, MUST have, fasted often before His 40 day fast we read about in Matthew 4. It was a fairly common, even prideful to some, thing to do to fast in those days. To start off fasting for the first time for 40 days doesn't seem reasonable. Of course, Jesus was the Son of God, but He was also the Son of man (human).

I've joined a group of ladies on facebook - The Sacrificial Diet - to fast for 40 days for prayer and release Satan's hold on our bodies to eat more than we need. (ahem) But, this is an easy version of that fast, and today is Day Two.

Now, this is not the 40 day fast that Jesus or Moses or Elijah did in the Bible. No, we are just fasting all but one meal plus desserts a day. Other than that, it's up to the faster what else they may do. One still eats a spoonful of food to take with her pills, others still have their coffee, and I think I read of one or two having only fruit if they can't stand the hunger, and all that's okay. Personally, I'm still drinking diet sodas outside of the meal, and I'm doing without any sweets, not just desserts. I'm not sure if that was the intention or not, but desserts was all that was said. The thing here is to do with less. It's still a sacrifice.

Fasting is very personal since it is said in God's word to do it quietly and don't show it off, as the hypocrites did.

Matthew 6:16-18 -  "Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly." nkjv

Now, we must keep it true. No one saw Jesus in the wilderness, that we can read about. Yet, He never caved in to temptation to eat before it was time. It must have been a very difficult thing to do, even though He was possibly accustomed to fasting.

This 40 day fasting that I'm participating in is a step toward more fasting, more giving up self, more seeking the Lord. It's less than eating in a five hour time, less than eating any sweets I choose in that time. Yet, it's more than completely giving up all food and drink as did the children of Israel in the Bible. It's hard to imagine giving up food and water. I'm thankful for the one meal. Some day, I may be able to do a real 40 day fast, or a 90 day juice fast as I've read of people doing.

Angela, who I've mentioned before is our fearless leader. I'm so thankful to be doing this and having this group to help me along.

If you have something you'd like for me to pray about for you, please mention it in a comment below. I'll add your request to my list.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Food of the Angels

In this wonderful Fast-Five food plan, Dr. Bert W. Herring, the author, says it doesn't really matter what you eat during the five hours, as long as you stay within those hours. However, he's quick to point out the obvious - the healthier the food, the better you'll feel and the more weight you'll lose.

I've lost weight already, but alas! I've been eating mostly dead, junk food. Last night, I went to bed with a strange pain in my body. I've been eating foods like chips, soda pop, white bread, processed and highly spiced meats, etc. I know these foods are not helping my body to be healthy. It reminded me of that last night.

About three years ago, I lost 60ish pounds just eating mostly raw vegan. I ate 85% raw vegan in calories, which means not much in the way of cooked foods. I felt great! My body was happy with me. I often had a half of a small watermelon for one entire meal. Watermelons, in my opinion and from what I've learned about them, is on the top of the list of healthy foods.

When I was reading in the Bible the other day about foods, I came across this verse:

"Men ate angel's food. He sent them food to the full". Psalm 78:25 in the njkv.

This was the manna that the Israelites had in the wilderness. Think about that manna: It sustained all these people for 40 years. At the end of those 40 years, Moses was 120 years old and and his eyes were not dimmed nor was his natural strength diminished - Deuteronomy 34:7. Now, why was that? I think it was largely because manna was the perfect food for the body and it kept Moses strong and with good eyes. Manna is spoken of as being given to the ones that enter heaven (Revelation 2:17). Food of the angels.

Though we can't eat the food of the angels now, would we? I mean, we have food that is closest to God's hands: fruits, nuts grains, vegetables. Why then, with the closest to angel's food that is available, do I eat dead lifeless foods knowing that they destroy cells rather than give them life?

Thinking all of this through, I don't have an answer except that I've become addicted to the taste, feel, smell of dead foods. God's foods taste, feel and smell so much better. Even when they rot and smell bad, they are useful in the compost pile - dead foods are not. Think of that - the foods I am eating not only are not helpful to the body, but also not helpful to a rotting compost pile. They are dead foods. Our God is a god of life, not death.

So, now, I'm challenging myself to eat the closest I can to angel's food: back to raw vegan and whole foods for me! I may fail miserably for a while, but my eye is on this goal. No more night pains for me if I can help it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Stickers and Tickers

I've added a ticker for fun. It will go along as I succeed in keeping up with my daily fasting. I've made it for the year, from January 11. That is why the Christmas-ie kind of design, keeps my eye on the end of the year.

Stickers work for me. I gave a small 50 cent calendar along with a sheet of stickers to each of my 5th grade girls in my Bible class to keep track of new habits they wanted to form. I have one for me too to put a sticker on each day that I stick with this daily fast.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fasting Daily?

This begins my blog of daily fasting. I'm following the fast-five diet plan. I found this diet after looking for something like it and found this website: You can either buy a real book or download an ebook for free - at least it was free when I downloaded it.

I had thought about the idea of sacrificing food for the sake of giving what I had saved in a meal to the "Meals on Wheels" program. An elder in the church I attend challenged us to seek out the hungry. I had taken a look at my heart, and thought on God's words and knew I was eating more than my share when others were hungry. I decided to cut down on my food and increase giving to others. This was my motivation, as well as my health, weight and looks. So, I was vain after all.

I found Angela's "Sacrificial Dieting" blog (now closed - she'd reached her goal of losing over 100 pounds and keeping it off ever since. You can see her at her "Free Spirit Haven" blog here on blogspot). She really inspired me to do the same thing. She mentioned the Fast-Five plan, though that's not the actual path she took. There are other fasting eating plans. I think one is "Eat Stop Eat". Just look up "Intermittent Fasting" on youtube or for blogs and you'll be surprised how much information there is about daily, or regular, fasting.

The idea for the plan I've chosen is to fast for 19 hours - daily - and have a five hour window of eating. The five hour time is up to the one doing the diet. I've decided to go from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm.

I've done this before for a few days at a time. This time, I started at the beginning of this year with a few missed days here and there. The days I've succeeded, I've gone to bed feeling much better. I don't know what it is exactly, and I don't want to get into all the scientific reasons why. I do know it works and I do know it's not unhealthy for me. Unhealthy for me is eating anything and everything I want, which I've been known to do.

I am not eating exactly better, just less. I really do hope to eat more raw vegetables and fruits and other whole foods, but I'm having a hard time letting go of sodas and chips. At least less of a bad thing is better anyway.

Please "follow" this blog and comment (kind words, please). I love comments!