Saturday, January 21, 2012

Choosing Affliction or the Pleasures of Sin

Do you remember in the Bible who chose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season? It was Moses. This man could have lived the life of riches - rich foods, clothes, power, women. He didn't have to go out and protect and save a nation of slaves, thus having to live with them and become one of them in their daily lives. This was something he chose to do.

This is my point for this blog. Choosing to suffer affliction rather than enjoying the pleasure of rich and much food. It hit me the other day while I was craving to sink my teeth into a slice of pizza how much food is simply pleasurable rather than just to keep our bodies alive.

Then, as I thought of the other pleasures I don't do in order to stay in line with God's word, and how this is just like that for me. My husband and I have remained faithful to each other these 32 years. I'm sure there've been temptations for him, and I know there have been for me to stray from our vows and God's word to enjoy the pleasures of sin. I'm sure it would be pleasurable to drink, dance, par-TAY, but I stay away from all of those for the same reasons. So, why is it so difficult to break this food addiction?

I'd like to know exactly what "gluttony" is. There's no real clear definition that I've ever read. Am I a glutton? I never thought so. I don't habitually eat so much that I have to go throw it up. Is that the point to which people become gluttonous? Or, is the Bible definition of gluttony less than that? Is it merely over-eating? Now, that I've definitely done, and practically every day.

I don't like living my life at the edge to see how close I can get to sin before I'm sinning. It's too easy to topple over that fence into the wrong pasture. But, I think I've done that with food. Gluttony is not a sermon topic by itself that I've ever heard, and being a preacher's daughter, I've heard lots of sermons.

This daily fasting has shown me that possibly all too many of us, me included, are sinning the pleasurable sin of gluttony without even realizing it. Each of us has to examine our hearts to answer that question. I had to take a look at myself to realize it.

I want to be like that faithful servant of God, Moses. I don't pretend to have his strength, but with God's help, I do.


  1. I've done it all girl..struggled with many addictions. I always say,,been there done that! As you wrote about gluttony, it is the truth. It is a sin when we consume more food than we need. People can say..oh I don't drink, I don't smoke, but they are gorging on more food than is needed.It become an idol. We bow down to the food. I learned just leaving a small piece of food on my plate..girl, talk about a struggle..and also making me realize how I just kept putting food in my mouth and not even realizing it until it was all gone..Loved what you wrote..awesome truths shared here!

  2. Thanks again Angela. It's a real eye opener to say the least! I can see some real changes in me since we started this. It's great!
