Sunday, March 2, 2014

Daily Pics and A New Way of Dressing

Today, March 2, was my Grandmother's birthday. She would have been 103 if she were still living. She died in 1987. She was only 76. My mother is 81. I couldn't have let her go five years ago. Could my dear grandmother still be living if she had fasted? Barring any accidents, I'd say there'd be a good chance.

To honor my Grandmother's birthday and just because I'm thinking of doing this at this time of year, I'm starting today to take pictures of myself as I start doing the daily fasting again. You have got to be tired of hearing me say that.

Also, I'm doing this because of a blog, now closed, that I found and fell in love with!!! It's "". The writer decided to wear skirts/dresses for a whole year because she wanted to be more feminine and because she was a total jeans girl. That's exactly me!!! So, she inspired me to do the same. Only, I'm going to post my year in skirts here rather than start another blog.

Both adventures are similar in that they both have to do with body image. So, here is me as my fat self in khaki jeans - regular day. And another of me in a dress today on "Day One" of wearing skirts/dresses for a year. Maybe in a year, I'll be so into the habit I'll continue on.

I do wear dresses Sunday mornings to worship, but sadly, pants or jeans to other worship services. But until March 2, 2015, it's skirt/dress every day - even on "difficult to manage in a dress" days. However, we didn't make it to church today because of the icy roads. Well, threatening icy roads by the time services ended.

Here I am in my regular every day look (now the past).  Bleh! Taking the picture makes me see that this blouse, which I rarely wear is 'way too thin to wear without something underneath. And I usually try to wear something under, but I didn't this time. It sure needed it! It bothered me too about how low it is. Not used to wearing anything that low.
Since we didn't go to worship today, I put on this "house dress". Bleh, again! Let me call your attention to my right leg - the one behind the other. It's artificial. In the picture above, it's the leg forward. This poses a small - albeit very small - problem because I have to wear socks or hose on it since the foot is rubber and shoes won't go on it without fabric of some kind. With jeans, that's okay, but with a dress, I so wish I could just slide on some loafers or flip flops. We all have our quirks I guess. Also, I know you might be wondering about why one leg looks different, though here it doesn't really. You'll see what I mean as time goes on.
 My word, my word, my word. I'm really fat! I have started the fast five this weekend. The evening part is always easier than the morning part, especially in the beginning. Posting pictures will help me keep accountable, I hope.


  1. You're a beautiful woman, so no more "Bleh!" I know, easier said than done because I tend to think the same thing when I look in a mirror. Especially now, when I need something done to my hair. Moe Howard comes to mind. Ahem. But, as in looking into spiritual mirrors, in looking at pictures and physical mirrors, things can be fixed. If it's the dress that makes you go "bleh", find one that makes you feel pretty. You can do this. :)

    1. O, I just can't help the "Bleh"! Better I say it than it be thought by others. Thank you, though. So very nice of you to say. I think Moe just set a bowl on top of his head and cut what was longer than the bowl!

      I won't be wearing this dress out, anyway. :-)
