Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's Not Just A Fascination Anymore

The doctor told me today some bad news. If I don't get serious about my weight, I am doomed to prescription pills for the rest of my life. He told me he's seen about 300 or so in my situation and only one has taken a change of lifestyle seriously.

I like my doctor. He is really great. For an a doctor.

I mean, he let me give changing my diet and exercising another chance without lecturing or fussing at me. He said he wants me back in six months. (soooo long from now) Blood tests will show then how well I've done.

Yet, he did say to come back every month to weigh so it can be recorded in his office. I'm already being weighed in TOPS, but this will be good to go to his office to weigh in. I'm looking forward to it.

In TOPS, I'm finally losing weight. Believe it or not, for nearly two years of being a member, I've not lost any real significant weight. The vacation with all that walking and fresh-food eating seemed to be my catalyst to finally see that I can walk and that I can be patient with meal preparation. (Read: I've gone to too many drive-throughs with their fried foods).

So, eating less each day and eating healthier is no longer something that I find fascinating and might like to try. I'm considering this a matter of life now.

I'm leaving the verse up, even though it's a few weeks now that it's been there. I need to continually remind myself how much I don't want to be a bad example to others. That's one of my motivations.

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